Guide to Success — Invest with Videos

Landon Jones
4 min readSep 13, 2020


Are you hitting your online goals? Is your social media and website performing the way you want them to? Do you understand why you need to put your brand on the web? It’s time to step up and create mutually beneficial relationships with your customers.

Relationships lead to sales. Period.

When the market shifted and the need to interact more fully and forge stronger relationships with customers arrived, larger organizations hired more staff and smaller companies absorbed the burden and added another todo on their plate. Large or small, there are six key principals that will guide you to success when crafting video content for your online audience.

We are in the content gold rush. There are more people and organizations pumping out content daily than ever before. This means more competition when trying to gain viewers and grow online audiences. By investing in quality content, organizations can more easily stand out and make their voices heard.

An organization can leverage the versatility of videos by using them in websites, inbound marketing, email drip campaigns, and even TV commercials.

Six Keys to Success with Videos:

I’ve nailed down six concepts you need to understand to be effective with video. Effective means, among other things, higher conversion rates and more effective tutorials. These principles apply to all.

  1. Quality over Quantity. If one concept resonates with you from this article, this should be it. Stop looking to maximize the amount of content you push out and start looking at what has the most impact. Publishing one bad video can ruin your brand image instantly for new viewers. According to VideoNitch, “300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute”(VideoNitch, 2017). Most of these serve no real purpose. Investing in a piece that will represent your organization well for the next 2–3 years will lead to better brand identity and foster positive overall feelings.
  2. Simplify. When attempting to share a lot of information, video will convey it the fastest and most effectively. We’ve all heard of the three learning styles(Audio, Visual, and Kinesthetic). Video combines both visual and audio to reach more of your audience in the way best suited to their learning style. Tone, Emotion, and Brand Image are examples of some things conveyed within the first second of clicking on a video. Along with this, the ability to create aesthetic infographics and keep people entertained(internally or externally)with numbers is a benefit.
  3. Allow people to be lazy. Spoon-feed your audience and they will love you. Present information in a clear and attractive manner and you are set. This approach relies on people not having to work or think too hard. “Video already makes up 64 percent of all internet traffic”(Young, 2015).
  4. Carry emotion. Help your viewers invest themselves emotionally in the videos. If you can lock a viewer into whatever you have produced, you will create a lasting impression that will drive sales. Videos help individuals better relate to the characters and their motivations which helps create connections. Once again, Relationships lead to sales.
  5. Shape your content. Understand your target audience and what they want to see. Then, produce content catered to what will be most effective for them. Delving into the demographics ensures a more well-planned and effective ad. This improves efficiency and will save you money.
  6. Do not cheap out. When working to solidify your brand via video, ensure the video production company you hire has high standards for quality. Hiring your uncle’s neighbor’s kid to film a video you are going to post online isn’t a good idea. Work with professionals that streamline the process, save you the hassle, and create a polished product worthy of your organization.

If you apply these concepts to your next project, you’ll have much better success.

People prefer to watch and learn from videos. Give them what they want and the sales will start pouring in.

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Landon Jones

Pursuing a master's in Mass Communications at the University of Florida. Telling my stories through videos and medium articles. Join me on my adventures.